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cranberry sauce artinya

contoh kalimat "cranberry sauce"
  • He'd better remember that cranberry sauce.
    Sebaiknya dia ingat bawa saus cranberry.
  • The cranberry sauce isn't as tangy
    The cranberry saus tidak begitu tajam
  • Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, Sweet potato, and three slices of pie.
    Kalkun, saus cranberri, kentang manis, dan tiga potong pie.
  • Turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.
    Kalkun, saus cranberry, pai labu.
  • You have real cranberry sauce.
    Kau punya saus cranberry.
  • Uh, with cranberry sauce.
    Uh, dengan saus cranberry.
  • Sacagawea taught the pilgrims how to make cranberry sauce and then, like, sang
    Sacagawea mengajar para peziarah bagaimana cara membuat saus cranberry dan, kemudian bernanyi
  • Eat meat with something sweet, such as cranberry sauce, jelly or apple sauce
    Makanlah daging dengan sesuatu yang manis, seperti saus kranberi, selai, atau saus apel
  • I'm thinking of making a rice stuffing this year... plus the homemade cranberry sauce, the rolls
    Aku berpikir membuat masakan nasi tahun ini ditambah saus cranberry buatan rumahan, roti gulung
  • Well, you know, Lucien, I rather enjoy Thanksgiving... the turkey, the cranberry sauce, the lies, the deceit, the betrayal.
    Nah, Anda tahu, Lucien, saya suka menikmati Thanksgiving ... kalkun, saus cranberry, kebohongan, penipuan itu, pengkhianatan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata benda
  • sauce made of cranberries and sugar